Hearing Aid services in Raleigh

Hearing loss makes everything difficult - talking to loved ones, having normal social interactions or just enjoying your favorite show - it's all the more difficult when you can't hear! Hearing aids are usually the best solution in these cases. It can also be difficult to find the right hearing solution for you. That's why Heritage Audiology is here. Our friendly staff and amazing support team want to help you feel better and live better. We're proud to offer a variety of hearing aids to our Raleigh customers - we're helping you hear again!

Variety of hearing aids in Raleigh

Hearing aids come in a variety of styles and levels, from simple and elegant to high-end and innovative. We've got the perfect fit for your lifestyle, health and budget from our huge selection of brands and devices - one of the many reasons we're your destination in Raleigh for hearing aids.

Developers of hearing aids are always looking for new and improved ways of making hearing aids better and more useful in people's lives. Bluetooth technology is being used to make it easier for hearing aid users to connect their hearing aids to various devices for improved sound quality directly from the sound source. Many hearing aids are also available in a rechargeable option which eliminates the need to buy and change batteries.

At Heritage Audiology we also use real ear measurements to program hearing aids. Real ear measurements are computerized equipment that measures hearing aid performance in the ear canal. The response is compared to a target response based on your individual hearing loss. The comparison determines what fine tuning adjustments are needed to better match the target.